Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"The Great Appraiser"

Matthew 6:21 "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

If you take the time to go back and read in verse 19 of Matthew 6, you will find the instruction not to "lay up treasures upon the earth." We are told this because those treasure are temporary. We have valuable things here on earth, but compared to the heavenly treasures they don't even compare. Usually when you want to know how much something is worth, you take it to an appraiser. The appraiser evaluates the item and then gives the item a value. We must understand that God is the appraiser of all things in this life. God places more value on a man's soul than he does upon anything else. When we spend our time on things and activities that are temporary, it often frustrates our relationship with God. May we learn to place our obedience to the principles found it the Word of God. Obedience is a life long lesson that we all must apply to our lives if we are going to live the way God would have us live.

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