Today is January 28th, 2010, and 28 days ago most of us were wishing each other a happy new year! How's that going for you? Has the first four weeks of this year been happy for you? Some one once said, "Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get" So, I will ask you again, are you happy? Are you happy with what you are getting out of life? Happy with your marriage? Your children? Your financial status? Your spiritual growth? Your choices? Are you happy with you???
Proverbs 16:20 tells us that, "whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he". If you are trusting in anything else to bring you happiness, lasting happiness that is, You won't find it. If you are relying on your spouse, your children, or your situation to make you happy you will be let down time and time again.
Learn to rejoice in your life no matter what the circumstances may bring. Trust in Him and Him alone, and you will have a truly happy new year!