Saturday, September 12, 2009


Philippians 3:14 "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

From John C. Maxwell:
"When it comes to commitment, there are 4 types of people:

  1. Cop-outs: No goals in life, rarely commit to anything.
  2. Holdouts: Don't know if can reach their goals, afraid to commit.
  3. Dropouts: Start but usually don't finish.
  4. All-Outs: Set goals, commits to them, and willing to pay the price it costs to finish them."
When it comes to your Christian life, where do you fit in here? Are you a finisher? Never starting is just as bad as never finishing. In the Christian life it is not about how you because you are competing with your own self. Just determine to commit to Jesus and finish your race with patience and endurance. You'll be glad you paid the price in the end.

Friday, September 11, 2009

"Let's eat"

I Corinthians 10:2-5 "And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and all did eat the same spiritual meat; and did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ. But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness."

As a pastor, it never ceases to amaze me how sermons that are preached affect people in different ways. During the same sermon some are encouraged, some are moved, some are ticked off, some are offended, some are excited, some are bored, some are challenged, some are critical, some are resolved, some are blessed, some are eased, some are assured, some are discouraged. But it's the same sermon!

How does this happen? I am not really sure, except to say, we all have different tastes. Not everybody in this world loves to eat pecan pie. To me that's just crazy! There is nothing better in this world than pecan pie for dessert. But not everyone agrees with me. THAT'S OKAY WITH ME! Just means more pie for me. Now, back to the spiritual stuff. We must all realize first of all that we are all eating the same spiritual meat. And even though there are times we may not like the taste of what we are being given, we must trust God that he knows what we need at that moment. If are feelings are wrong, we need to change them, not the sermon. Just be grateful God cares enough about us to feed us what He knows we need at the time.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"We would see Jesus"

John 12:21 "The same came therefore to Philip, which was of Bethsaida of Galilee, and desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus."

Let's take a moment to set this scene. Jesus had just made the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. There was a crowd of several people already there worshiping and glorifying Jesus. The pharisees were complaining about the public display of worship for Jesus.

While all of that was going on, there were some Greeks that came to Jerusalem to worship at the feast. While there, they observed what was going on with Jesus. They found Philip, and asked if they could see Jesus. Not knowing what to do (more than likely because they were Greek) Philip finds Andrew and tells him. Andrew also doesn't know what to do, so he tells Peter, who in turn finally tells Jesus.

Wow, who would have thought, even among Jesus' disciples they didn't know what to do with people. The Greeks that came unto them came very sincerely. All they wanted to do was see Jesus, and they were not sure if they would be able to.

You know times haven't changed to much over the last 2000 plus years. We still look at how someone looks, acts, or behaves, and wonder whether or not they can truly come to Jesus.

May God help us look beyond who or what someone may look or act like. When they want to see and meet Jesus - Let them come!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"What's in your hand?"

Exodus 4:2 "And the Lord said unto him, 'What is that in thine hand?' And he said, 'A rod'."

Here in Exodus God asked Moses a very important question, "what is that in thine hand?" This verse illustrates to us God's ability to use anything or anyone, anytime He chooses. Moses had never even thought that God could use him, let alone his rod. Boy was he wrong! Not only did God use it, but he use it is a spectacular way.

I want to ask you the same question. What is in your hand? Is it a hammer? Then let God use that hammer. Is it a drivers license? Use it to pick someone up for church. Is it a baking dish? Use it to encourage one of God's children. Is it a pencil or pen? Use it to send someone a note or a card. What ever ability you think you have or don't have - give it to God. Let Him decide how to use it to further His work.

You never can tell what the Lord will use to accomplish His work. You never can tell, He may even want to use you!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

"The Father's Love"

John 16:27 "For the Father himself loveth you"

God's never-ending love for us is very far from my human understanding. He loves us as though we, as individuals, were the only lost soul in the entire world. He would have given His Son if we were the only ones who needed to be redeemed. Don't ever forget this fact. We are very precious in His sight.