Thursday, June 25, 2009

Devotion for Thursday, June 25th, 2009 "Who is it for?"

Psalm 83:1 & 18 "vs. 1 Keep not thou silence O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. vs. 18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth."

I am not going to take a lot time this morning. I want you (and me) to think about one thought as we go on with our day with just one question: "Who is it for?"

In the 83rd Psalm, the Psalmist starts by making a request for God to "Keep not thou silence" and, "hold not thy peace, and be not still" The request in verse one is obvious want the he is wanting - for God to make Himself known, to hear from God, to get an answer. If you are anything like me, you know what it is like to ask and sometimes beg God to give us an answer. The only problem I've ever had in asking to hear from God is when I don't hear from Him. Have you ever wondered why we haven't heard from God, when we are down here crying out and begging Him to give answer? I know I have.

I think this Psalm can give us some insight as to why we don't always hear from God when we ask. It depends on our motive in wanting to hear. Do we want to hear because it will help us? or do we want to hear because it brings the honor back to the LORD? Who is it for? Me or God? Vs 18 clearly points out that the Psalmist wanted God to be known to all men.

Maybe, just maybe, you and I aren't hearing what we want to hear because our focus is on ourselves getting the answer and not on God being high and lifted up. May we all Check our focus today, and then may we hear from Heaven that He would get the glory.

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