Friday, June 7, 2013

They Watched Him

Mark 3:2 "And they watched him, whether he would heal him on the sabbath day; that they might accuse him."

When Jesus began His earthly ministry most everywhere He went He performed miracle after miracle. He healed the sick, the lame, the deaf, and the blind. He cast devils out of those possessed by them.  Everywhere He went, people watched Him.  Some watched with amazement.  Some watched with faith believing. Some watched with skepticism and doubt. Some watched, as our verse points out, looking to catch Him doing something wrong or against the law. 

Jesus was the Son of God.  He was without sin, without fault, without error, and without mistakes. Yet, because of their doubt, they watched and waited for Him to fail.  Glory to God He never did. 

Are you watching how the Lord is working in your life today?  If so, how are you watching? Are you watching with great amazement? Are you watching with skepticism and doubt?  Or are you watching with faith believing?  Nearly every time Jesus healed someone He would tell them it was their faith that made them whole.  Even today, there are great benefits of exercising our faith and trust in what God is doing in and through our lives.

Watch the Lord with faith believing today and see how wonderful it is to believe. 

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