Sunday, August 16, 2009

"What do you look like?"

Romans 8:29 " be conformed to the image of His Son."

A sculptor was going to make a horse out of a huge block of marble, and as he was just beginning his work on it, someone came along and asked, "How are you going to do that?"

The sculptor replied, "It's simple. I just start chipping away, and I chip away anything that doesn't resemble a horse."

And so it ought to be so in the lives of Christians today. God starts out with the big block of our lives. He begins to chip away at them. What is He molding us into to? As He chips, He is trying to rid the rough and ragged edges off our lives and mold us into an image that would resemble His Son.

In order to for God to begin chipping away on our lives we must first surrender our lives to Him. To often we submit our lives and God begins the chipping process. Then it gets uncomfortable so we remove ourselves from the process because we don't like how it feels. Then we go back, then we leave again, then we go back, then we leave again. What a process we go through! Would it not be easier to let God just finish what He began in our lives? Let God continue what He began in you - conforming you "to the image of His Son."

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