Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
This morning we must recognize two things. The first thing is the indifference of people to the things God. The second thing is spiritual hunger in the heart of man. As Christians we face both of these every day. As Jesus recognized these two things, and assuming these two things haven't changed over the past 2000 years it is safe to say that the first things calls for us to patient; the second should call us into action. "Seek, ye shall find"
What are we doing to move into action? Are you asking, seeking, and knocking? We must be doing our part to get spiritual food to those that are starving spiritually. Trusting Him is the first act of moving into action.
Let's do our part today to grow, develop, and bear fruit. Move into action, right now.
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