Saturday, June 1, 2013

Use your Safety Net

Proverbs 11:14 "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety."

 The Bible tells here in Proverbs 11 that without counsel, we will fall, but when we seek much counsel there is safety.  As we are faced with decisions that we have to make, one of the major decisions we are faced with is who do we go to seek advice.

Many people make the mistake of only going to people to whom they think will agree with the decision that they want to make.  Unfortunately, that is not what getting counsel is.  Counsel is not finding as many people who will agree with you.   Counsel, is not finding people who disagree with you either. 

When we seek counsel, it is vitally important that we seek godly counsel.  When ever we are faced with a decision we must ask ourselves and our counselors, "Am I violating scripture if I make this decision." The second question we must ask is, "If I make this decision, how will effect my walk with Christ."  Usually, when we consider the decision, we only look at them from our perspective.  We need the perspective of those godly people in our lives, and as we get it, we will find safety.

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