Tuesday, May 28, 2013

At the Crossroads of Heaviness or Gladness

Proverbs 12:25  "Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad."

Have you ever watched as people enter into a room.  More often than not, you can tell how someone is doing just by looking at the expression on their faces.  Are they worried? Are they bothered? Are they angry? Are they happy?  Are they depressed?  Are they having a good day? 

We have the ability to make a difference in the lives of people.  I love the verse here today out of Proverbs 12.  When man has a heavy heart, he stoops, or is down. But a good word can make a difference and lift them up out of their heaviness. 

As Christians, we ought to be on the lookout all the time to bring someone a good word.  In thinking about this topic, there is actually a two fold purpose of having a good word to say to others around us.  You see, if we are thinking about being an encouragement to someone then when we are they are blessed and lifted up.  Then the other side of that is this.  When we are thinking about being an encouragement, we are going to be more mindful of saying things that may offend or be hurtful to those around us.  The difference comes from thinking of others more than thinking about ourselves.

I'm sure there may be some today that are reading these words thinking to themselves, "That is so right, no one ever does that. I wish someone would say something kind and good to me."  Then they will go through their day looking for someone to fill that desire.  Now, don't miss the point here. We are not to be looking for someone to fill that desire for ourselves, we are to be seeking to do that for someone else.

Will you continue to let someone be in heaviness or  will you make an attempt to say something kind in an attempt to bring them down the road of gladness?
It's your crossroads, which way will you go?

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