Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Which Way Do I Go?"

Job 23:10 "He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold."

When I was in high school I worked at a gas station. From time to time we would have people come in the station and ask for directions. Most of the time we would kindly tell them how to get there as long as we knew the way. But then there were other times, for no good reason at all, we would give them the wrong directions. It was pretty funny at the time, but this is also the reason I hesitate asking for directions at gas stations, cause I know what goes around comes around. It amazes the amount of people that head out to go somewhere, and they have know idea how to get there. Now, I know that some start out thinking they know where they are going but in the end they have to ask for directions.

Christians are the same way sometimes. We start off in our Christian lives on a journey, and we are pretty sure where we are going. But somewhere along the way we get lost and have to ask for directions. The fact of the matter is we often ask the wrong ones. Sometimes the people we ask know the way, but sometimes the people we ask have no clue at all and they send us on a wild goose chase. Why not just consult a map? Or better yet, the map's creator. By map I mean the Bible, and by map's creator I mean GOD. He always knows the way, the best short cuts, the roads to avoid due to closing or heavy traffic. God will never steer you wrong, He knows the way you need to take. Trust HIM and follow the path He lays out for you. He'll get you there safely. Have a good trip!

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