Monday, June 24, 2013

In Nehemiah 8:10 the Bible says,"... neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength."

What a tremendous thought that is to know that our strength comes directly from the joy we have in the Lord.  It does come from our bodies, but rather from the Holy Spirit of God that dwells with in our hearts.  His joy lightens the path that we must go down, and it is His joy that repels temptations that would normally trip us up along the way.

One of the most dangerous opponents to victorious daily Christian life is sorrow and despondency. When we allow ourselves to get bogged down in the depths of lacking hope and discouragement, dejected by the cares of this world, we lose the strength and will to fight on. It is in those times that we need a fresh dose of rejoicing over what great and mighty things God has done in our lives.  When we bring ourselves to a place of rejoicing and contentment - the strength from God comes to rest upon our spirit. 

Don't live in a world of despair, rejoice in what God has done in your life, and feel the strengthening power of His joy.

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