Friday, May 10, 2013

Is Christ Being Magnified?

Philippians 1:20 According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.

The phrase, "so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body" leaped out of the scripture at me this morning.   To magnify something is to draw attention to, to enlarge, or intensify. Oh that Christ would be magnified in our lives.  Who is drawing more attention, us or Christ?

I want to point out that it was Paul's choice for Christ to be magnified.  He made the choice to not be ashamed to be known as a Christian everywhere he went.  As a matter of fact, he was bold about it, he didn't wait to be asked by people, he just told them. His choices were on purpose and his purpose was that Christ would be magnified in his life.  He even lived in a time that making those choices and taking such bold stands meant that he could face death just for doing them.  Ultimately that is what happened to him, he was put to death for his bold, unashamed stand that magnified Christ. And, yet he still made those choices while knowing what the consequences were.

Why are so many of us afraid to make the choice for Christ to magnified in our lives?  Are we afraid that we will be put to death? I don't think so. Are we afraid of rejection? It will happen.  Are we afraid that someone will make fun of us? So what, people will always find something to make fun of us for. Is Christ being magnified not worth that? Are we afraid that we will miss out on something that we want to do or be? Whatever our reasons, they probably aren't good enough to justify our choices. 

I made the statement the other day that I was becoming disenchanted with the status quo of life.  I truly want to see God do something in and through my life.  But I must ask myself a question. Am I willing to put aside the status quo and be bold?  Am I willing to be unashamed?  Do I want Christ to be magnified in my life whatever the cost may be?  I want Christ to be bigger in my life.  I want Him to magnified.  To God be the glory.

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