Thursday, May 16, 2013

How To Have a Life With No Regrets

Philippians 1:6 "Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."

I have travelled down the Regret Hwy, more times than I care to admit.  It sometimes starts out as a pleasent trip, but every time the trip ends the same - in misery and regret. 

In studying the word regret, I found that in its origin it means to "remember with distress or longing."  Oh, I have many memories of regrets.  I could go all the back to early childhood and find many regrets in choices that I have made, things that I have said to people, things that I have done, things I haven't done...they all can leave us stranded on this long painful highway of regret.

While I have many things in my life that I regret, I want to share with you about another highway that I have travelled too.  It is similar in name, but yet so different to travel on.  It is the road named No Regrets.  It is on this road that brings much peace, joy, and happiness.  But I must tell you something, this road is not heavily travelled on.  It is even a little out of the way, and there are not any short cuts in order to get to it either.  No Regret Rd. is a single lane road that only goes to one direction and always leads to the same place as long as your stay on its path.  Now you will find that while you travel down No Regret Rd. there are plenty of other roads that you will be tempted to turn down, and you may even give into the temptation.  But there is not another road that leads to where No Regret Rd. will take you to.  You have to learn to be patient on this road, but is worth minute it takes to get.

Where is this No Regret Rd, you ask?  Well, it is the road that we travel as we walk with God, the path that He wants us to take.  While I may have many regrets in this life, I have never, not one single time, ever regretted serving God and walking His path.  His way has never, and never will lead to regret.  What I have regretted in my Christian life are the times that I gave into the temptation to do my own thing and go my own way.  I have found that as long as I keep myself on the path that God places in front of me - it always leads to a life of no regret.

You want to really know how to have a life with no regrets?  Live your life for God, walk in His ways, love him, keep his commandment, and you will have a life of no regrets.  Occasionally you may come across someone that says, "I have regrets from serving God."  And all I can say to that is this, "you obviously were not walking with God when you thought you were, because God's path always leads to no regrets."

Today at the Crossroads, you have a choice to make.  You will find your self at these Crossroads everyday of your life.  NO Regret Rd or Regret Highway.  Which way will you choose?  I hope you choose the No Regret Rd.  - walk with God and have a lifetime of no regrets.

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