Wednesday, November 11, 2009

'The Bitter Waters were Made Sweet"

Exodus 15:25 "And he cried unto the Lord; and the Lord shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statue and an ordinance, and there he proved them,"

Oh, the trials in the wilderness! In Exodus 15, three days had passed since they made their voyage out of Egypt. Boy, were they thirsty! They wanted some water and they wanted it right then. When they finally found water, the Bible tells us that they couldn't drink it because it was bitter. Moses cried unto the Lord and God showed him how to sweeten those bitter waters. And the people drank. Because they trusted God, the next place that God led them to was Elim, where there was 12 bountiful wells waiting for them.

Whatever the trial is in your life, take it to the Lord. As soon as you pray, God already has an answer. Think about it. When Moses cried unto God, God showed him a tree. The tree was already in place before they ever arrived. What if Moses had not cried unto God at that time? What if he said, "Alright this water is no good, let's keep moving." Many would have lost their lives. God already had an answer and a solution. Don't make a decision first, act upon it, then expect God to just fix everything. Go to Him first, He has the answer. He'll make your bitter waters, sweet! Trust Him.

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